Grey Eagle Casino Bingo
new events added to vbingo
Just minutes from the downtown core, but miles away from a hectic day is Grey Eagle Resort Hotel, located at the doorstep of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Unwind in our beautiful 4-star resort hotel with amenities and luxuries that are provided exclusively to every hotel guest. Come enjoy the thrill of live table games, the fun of slot machines and our active Calgary bingo halls. Experience the finest gaming action at Grey Eagle! Grey Eagle Resort & Casino Calgary's Entertainment Destination Features Beautiful 4 Star Hotel Amazing Restaurants, Bars & Buffet Casino, Poker & Bingo Event Centre & Live Shows Grey Eagle Bingo. Tribal Organization Tsuu T'ina First Nation. GREY EAGLE BINGO 3777 Grey Eagle Drive Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3E 3X8 403-273-3200. Located at 37 Street SW & Glenmore Trail.
join us daily to play
Cards on sale for the following dates:
- Fri Mar 5 LN 9:30pm Caller is Sherrie
- **NEW** Sat Mar 6 Eve 6pm Caller is Ted
- Sat Mar 6 LN 9:30pm LIVE PARTY NIGHT with BILL
- Sun Mar 7 Aft 12pm Caller is Allison
- **NEW** Sun Mar 7 Eve 6pm Caller is Ted
- Mon Mar 8 Aft 12pm Caller's are Dennis & Guy!
Who wants to play BINGO every day?! We know it can't be done in person but we CAN play together VIRTUALLY!!!
Visit our VBINGO page for all the details
We are so excited to be able to offer VBingo every day during the restrictions. We hope you will buy some cards and come and have some fun with us from the comfort and safety of your own home!
When playing VBingo we encourage you to hop on the Live Chat on YouTube and interact with the caller and the other viewers. It is wonderful to hear your stories and be able to have some fun with you while keeping everyone safe!

For a complete list of the times VBINGO is played at Grey Eagle please click the VBINGO SCHEDULE button below.
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Our web site may offer links to other web sites as a service to you. We do not control third party web sites and they do not abide by our Terms of Use. Golden Eagle Casino does not endorse or take any responsibility for the content or practices of those web sites and as such will not be held responsible for any of their content or other materials.
If you are a person younger than 18 years of age, you may NOT submit Personal Information to our web site or to us. Pursuant to our Tribal State Compact, Golden Eagle Casino does not allow guests under the age of 18 to play Bingo and guests under the age of 21 to take part in any other gaming we offer.
You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of our services or any system or networks connected to our services. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any Golden Eagle Casino server by hacking, password ‘mining’ or any other illegitimate means.
Grey Eagle Casino Canada
You are and shall remain solely responsible for any User Generated content posted on our web site and in public forums.
Grey Eagle Casino Hours
If you do not agree to these terms of use, Golden Eagle reserves the right to terminate your access for any violation of these terms of use or other applicable laws in our sole and reasonable discretion. Your access may be terminated in these cases to Golden Eagle Casino content, Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas content and Public Forums (i. e. Chats, Twitter, Facebook Pages, Facebook Applications, Wikis and Blogs) associated with Golden Eagle Casino and the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas.
Casino - Grey Eagle Resort & Casino
This policy is governed by the laws of the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas. We reserve the right to revise this Terms of Use policy at any time without notice. When this policy is revised, it will be posted as such on our web site.