Loteria Card Deck Online
Heads up, Loteria Familia! For the first time ever, my Loteria Grande Cards are available for online purchase as SINGLE CARDS. Previously, they were sold online only as sets and now for a very limited time — you can purchase the cards individually online, but ONLY UNTIL MONDAY, AUGUST 7TH at 11:59pm CST. After that, the shop’s purchase window will close and I’ll fulfill all of your orders in one mighty batch.
Playing Card Shuffler. This form allows you to draw playing cards from randomly shuffled decks. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs. Play Bingo Online. Bingo Baker has the simplest online bingo experience. You just need to send your players a link to the game. Players can generate their own unique bingo card in one click, and they're ready to play. Bingo Baker shows no branding, and you can customize the game/card instructions. May 4, 2013 - Explore Carla Lopez's board 'Loteria', followed by 123 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about loteria, loteria cards, mexican art. Customizable version of randomly generated LOTERIA Bingo Cards. Are you having a LOTERIA party? Everyone knows how to play and will enjoy LOTERIA Bingo. BuzzBuzzBingo is home to the popular Buzzword Bingo Party Game! Turn your next TV watching gathering into the ultimate couch party or spice up your classroom with a fun game for all! Print and download free LOTERIA Bingo Cards or Make.
Each card has a limited print run of only 1000. I expect some of the remaining cards will sell out VERY soon. All of the cards currently available are pictured above, and they include:
• El Pescado (The Fish)— only 60 units remain!
• La Rosa (The Rose)— only 25 units remain!
• El Paraguas (The Umbrella)— only 25 units remain!
• El Nopal (The Cactus)
• La Corona (The Crown)
• La Botella (The Bottle)
• El Arbol (The Tree)
• La Pera (The Pear)
• El Gorrito (The Bonnet)
Some of my cards have already sold out, including:
• La Sirena (The Mermaid)
• El Arpa (The Harp)
• La Luna (The Moon)
• El Corazon (The Heart)
• El Venado (The Deer)
• El Mundo (The World)
• La Escalera (The Ladder)
• La Calavera (The Skull)

Get yours before they’re gone! 🙂 Here’s a brief FAQ on the new sales model.

How many total cards are planned for the series? Do you plan to continue producing new ones?
Yes, I’m definitely working on new ones. There are 54 total cards planned for the series. Some fans don’t feel the need to collect all of the cards but just want the ones that speak to them. Some want them all.

If I already bought your Series One and Series Two sets, which cards do I not have?
‘El Gorrito (The Bonnet)’. Because it’s the newest, I currently have good supply on that one. There’s an online purchase minimum of $10 — so if that’s the only card you want to purchase, you might wait until this fall / winter when I’ll make some new cards available, and you can bundle that one with those. For everyone else, I recommend ordering TODAY so that you’re not disappointed when cards sell out.
Will you reprint the Loteria Grande Cards and create a second printing?
Loteria Card Deck Shuffle
If I want some of the cards that are already sold out, where might I find them?
I’m planning to start a Loteria Facebook Group so that collectors who have the sold-out cards can sell or trade them with collectors who want them. You might also check with George R. R. Martin’s Jean Cocteau Theatre in Santa Fe, NM. I did an appearance there a couple of years ago, and they MIGHT have a few remaining sets of the Series One cards (includes La Sirena, El Pescado, La Rosa, El Arpa, El Paraguas, La Luna, El Corazon, El Venado, El Mundo, La Escalera, La Calavera). Beyond that, check eBay as well.
Why is the order window for the cards only until Monday, August 7th?
I like fulfilling orders in one wave of work so that I’m not packing, shipping, and dealing with the post office day after day. Doing it this way allows me to maintain balance toward drawing, conceiving, and creating more Loteria art. 🙂
Loteria App Cards

Thanks, all. Holler if you have any questions. In Loteria We Trust!