Turkey Bingo Near Me
Bingo Wholesale. A Superstore Offering Super Savings, In A Super Environment. Come to Visit Us, Become A Member And Start Doing Some Serious Shopping. Drag Queen Bingo offers a fun alternative to your usual weekend hot spots as well as getting out just early enough for you to hit the local clubs or bars! Just $20 for shows on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and $30 on Sundays which includes a fabulous brunch buffet! Drag Queen Bingo is an 18+.
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or Turkey Bingo!
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How do you playThanksgiving Bingo?
You can play one of two ways.
The first way is to play the game the traditional way using cards with numbers,only you use our turkey dabbers to cover the card.

Here is a sample of aThanksgiving Bingo Card with our
Turkey Dabbers.
Here is an example of one turkey and it fits on our own Brownielocks free printable Bingo Card.

(To save page loading, I did not insert the DabberSheets and Bingo Card on this page like I did for the Patriotic Bingo. This iswhy the 'No Right Click' is on here. All images you need to playThanksgiving Bingo are via Links and not offered on this page.)
Now the much more funway to play our Turkey Thanksgiving Bingo is to play it like we described Baby Shower Bingo,Bridal Bingo, Christmas Bingo, Halloween Bingo, etc.
on our History of Bingo page.
1. Across the topof the card replace the B-I-N-G-O with either
G-O-B-L-E or T-H-A-N-K or T-U-R-K-Y
Tip:B-I-N-G-O should be replaced by a word that
does not have any letters duplicated to avoid confusion.
This is why I only used one 'B' in Gobble.
I know turkey is mis-spelled too.
If there is another5-letter word you prefer that doesn't duplicate any letters feel free to use it.Thanksgiving is a holiday with limited topics and I couldn't come up withanything.
2. Give all yourplayers a blank card.
3. Then give them a listing of the words they can choose from to play with(see below) and have them write those on the card as follows:
(a) Provide the LETTERfirst and then the word so that they don't just put these words anyplace andthen have a harder time to find them when you call out the game.
(b) Keep 2 sheets for yourself. One to keep track of what has been calledand one to cut up to put into a bowl to call from.

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4. Define thetype of game before you call. A regular bingo, a full cover game or whateverelse you choose.
Below are some examplesof words based on the header
G-O-B-L-E at the top of the card.
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There are 24 emptyspaces on a card. There are 50 words below to pick from. There are 5blanks per letter and we offer 10 options per letters to arrange as the playerwishes.

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All words have to dowith the history of Thanksgiving, it's people, customs or items.
G- Holiday G- Turkey G- Gravy G- Football G- Thursday G- Virginia G- Wampanoag G- Oysters G- Colonies G- North America | O- Mashed Potatoes O- Pilgrims O- Harvest O- Miles Standish O- Williamsburg O- Samoset O- Edward Winslow O- Grains O- Hunting O- Pumpkins | B- Cranberries B- Corn B- John Alden B- Potash B- Cod B- Indians B- Massasoit B- Clams B- England B- Bread B- Parade | L- Pumpkin Pie L- Plymouth Rock L- Mayflower L- Priscilla Mullins L- Provincetown L- Wax Candles L- 1620 L- Squanto L- Scurvy L- Muskets L- Macys | E- Cornucopia |
Don't forget tovisit our other Holiday Bingo at:
andCheck out our other holiday bingo games:
Halloween Bingo !
Valentine Bingo!
HamRadio Bingo!
(This has it's own card)
Visit our otherThanksgiving Pages
besides ThanksgivingHistory
Also visit this URL forcute animated Thanksgiving Ecards.
More Thanksgiving Ecards are also at: